Are You Struggling to Understand Your Family Court Case?
Are you struggling to understand your family court case and why your child is given more time with the abusive parent? Or worse yet, have your children been removed from your custody after disclosing abuse to the authorities or courts? Are the courts, caseworkers or attorneys working against you and your children and forcing you to put them in harm’s way? We understand and have been there! We can help you learn how to fight against this very broken system.
We Are Here to Help
Wings for Justice is a national nonprofit whose mission is to educate, advocate and provide resources to protective parents to help them defend their children’s constitutional rights in the family court system. We are creating a network of experts and training advocates in the field of Domestic Violence, Coercive Control, Post-Separation Abuse and Legal Abuse Syndrome.
We Are Relaunching and Expanding Our Vision
We are relaunching and expanding our vision. We realize this is a systemic epidemic in the family court system that will require many great minds and compassionate souls to come together to save our children from the corruption and racketeering that currently exists. Advocacy Training will begin soon as we’re building a team to help equip protective parents with knowledge and come alongside them as they navigate the many obstacles they come up against.
Let's Work Together
There are many experts and small organizations working tirelessly to fight against the corruption in this broken system. We believe it’s important to come together and share our expertise in the areas of Domestic Violence by Proxy, Post-Separation Abuse, Legal Abuse Syndrome and Coercive Control. Building a network of those who specialize in these areas will help to strengthen the growing movement working to protect children in the family court system. Come back soon as we will be adding to our network as we find more and more partners.
Helpful information about how to protect your children in the family court system.
Champion the cause for freedom, integrity, and justice in the family court system.
Networking with experts in family court corruption.